Why the Hate?
I think it's pretty obvious why so many people hate Americans. And it's got nothing to do with hating "freedom." Just the sight or sound of Bush is enough to traumatize my psyche, so everytime he spews the painfully obvious propoganda that people who don't like us "hate freedom" it makes me want to commit suicide.
Anyway, this is just a short list of reasons off the top of my head. Although I think most of these things are clearly evident to even the casual observer, I'll back it up with supporting cites, data and links, as time allows:
We're extremely high maintenance (in terms of resource use)
We're greedy
We're fat
We're spoiled
We're bullies (the alpha male of countries)
We're violent
We're decadent
We're myopic
I know alot of individual Americans aren't like this at all, but I also know that alot ARE. There's no doubt in my mind that the above list describes how we're viewed by the rest of the world and for good reason. Just look at who we've "democratically elected" to a second term.

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