Animal Holocaust

It's estimated that, worldwide, about 45 BILLION animals are killed every year for food (25 billion of them here in the U.S). Even though millions of people live perfectly healthy vegetarian lives. People who don't believe that animals have souls, experience fear and feel pain are blind. People that are "pro-life" and eat meat are narrow-minded hypocrites. There's a real good reason that Adam and Eve didn't eat meat in the Garden of Eden. Our karma, as human beings, is screwed.
Adam and eve did not eat meat becasue:
1. They were pretty new in this world so they have no idea how to hunt or even that it was possible to eat animals
2. They were all the time fooling around talking to snakes and eating fruit so they did not think about eating meat
3. They were naked and once they ate the apple, they became so ashamed of going outside their cave that they almos died of starvation
4. And th emost important, they spent way too much time "mating" so the world could be as overpopulated as it's going to be in a near future
2:52 PM
What a thoughtful and compelling rebuttal! (*phhff*?) Check out my tag line: "As a man is, so he sees..." The soul of a person who can't see the souls in God's other sentient creatures is not fully evolved yet. (That's what karma and reincarnation are for...)
Souls aside, unnecessarily inflicting fear and pain on defenseless creatures is ok? So, I don't think you have a soul, it's ok for me to torture and kill you? Where's my stun gun!
And my statement stands: In paradise, before people fell from grace, they did not eat animals. Full stop.
By the way: (1) "liberal" is no more insulting to me than "conservative" is to you, and (2) sorry to disappoint you, but Bush can't be relected in '08 (unless you mean Jeb). Thank God for term limits.
Normally I would ignore a comment like this, but it's so sad to be randomly, drive-by flamed by a such a complete moron on this particular subject. I'd delete it, but I can take the heat and Capt. Eric's idiot comment belongs in the public domain.
10:10 PM
I must thank Steve for his support. My opinions about animal rights are very unpopular and I get alot of grief for them. Check out Steve's great blog at Thwackum & Square with lots of great posts about philosphy, politics and more.
1:55 AM
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