Thursday, September 22, 2005
If There's a God - He's Pissed
Through his cruelty, man has created 2 potential pandemics - directly associated with eating beef (mad cow disease) and birds (avian bird flu). We absolutely deserve everything we get.

As the Bible tells us in Proverbs 12:10:
"The righteous man has regard for the life of his beast,
But the compassion of the wicked is cruel."
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Taking in Evacuees
Last night, I posted a message on Craigslist (New Orleans/Katrina/Missing Persons) looking for the old friend I mentioned below. There were hundreds of postings looking for people.
In the personal ads, there were also hundreds of posts offering to take in and shelter evacuees. Hundreds of offers by people to open up their homes, indefinitely, to complete strangers inviting them to move into their spare bedrooms or sleep on their living room sofas, virtually all around the country.
This seems awfully dangerous, since not only do you not know who you're inviting to live with you (in the case of people opening up their homes), but also - if you're an evacuee - who's doing the inviting!
There were lots of very suspicious posts by men offering to take in, specifically, single women with children. There were so many and they were so blatant that a number of posts pointed this out - and warned evacuees against taking these people up on their offers. Unbelievable.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Who's the Nigger?
Like most people I'm devastated by what's happening on the gulf coast and especially New Orleans. I have a very close friend of 32 years there who lives a marginal existence, being poor and uneducated. She also never got a driver's license, so may well have had no means to evacuate. I have no idea what's happening to her and am sick at heart.
I just entered "Katrina" in Google Groups and was surprised by the results, organized by most recent date.
Instead of lots of posts saying "pray for the victims" or "send money" or "what's being done?" or "who's to blame?" in a wide variety of groups - which is what I expected - the majority of most recent posts were to ALT.FLAME.NIGGER!!
...By a bunch of really self-righteous folks talking about what animals "niggers" are and how they deserve what's happening to them!
Excuse me???