As a man is, so he sees...~Wm. Blake

Friday, October 07, 2005

Sick of the Rat Race

I'm a government worker who spends most of my life in an office cubicle. My job is mind-numbingly boring and my boss is a moron blinded by his own personal agendas and neuroses. I absolutely dread the thought of languishing in this (or a similar) situation for the rest of my so-called productive life.

Hauling my ass out of bed at the crack of dawn, stuck in a cubicle until dinnertime 5 days a week. Only 10 days of vacation every year. No opportunity to earn extra time off or pay even though I have to work overtime on a regular basis. Constantly being judged by the boss and co-workers on everything I say and do. Absolutely NO positive reinforcement beyond a necessary paycheck. I'm looking at another 25 years of this bullshit, at the end of which I'll be old, spent and broken down. My life has become completely grey. Where's the joy I used to feel? Where's the excitement and hope for the future? I can't pay rent or buy food if I don't have a job. Plus I have family members that depend on me financially. Are the alternatives: (1) spending the rest of my life in a cubicle with an idiot boss; (2) dropping out of society, living in a cardboard box and dumpster diving; or (3) death?

Yeah, I know alot of people have it harder and/or hate their jobs, but that doesn't make me feel much better. It's my blog and I can bitch if I want to. It's nothing spectacular, just the drip, drip, drip Chinese water torture of quiet desperation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Online content key in Behl's discovery
The Mathews High School class of 2000 voted Erin Crabill "Most Unique." Now she's at the periphery of the mystery surrounding the death of Virginia Commonwealth University student Taylor Behl, whose body was ...
work from home

1:20 PM

Blogger Raggatt said...

Huh, pretty appropriate spam I guess...

1:23 PM

Blogger ga said...

haha I feel your pain
I read your post and thought that at least you got some nice feedback from it... how ironic

wish i had something comforting to say, but at least my comment isn't as bad as the others you got, so I don't feel as helpless

12:45 AM


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