Alot of people are highly concerned about this administration's fiscal irresponsibility, including a number of Republicans.
Just wanted to share my thoughts on
why Bush and Co. are spending us into such a deep hole. I think it's for the same reason they're so overwhelmingly pro-free trade. That is: to
purposely bankrupt our government and Americans except, of course, those in the top 1% income bracket.
Taking over our country through military action isn't an option; however, regarding economic (not to mention moral) bankruptcy:
(1) What better way to enslave the population (so we
must work for pennies instead of dollars) and force us into feudal servitude to the big corporations?
(2) What better way to get rid of government interference in Big Business?
No money means no education, no social programs, no environmental regulation, no labor oversight, no ability to regulate monopolies. Duh! They're not trying to improve our government, small business or standard of living. They're trying to do the opposite, to further their own radical corporate agenda: an economic instead of military takeover.
The Iraq war was genius! Spend billions and billions of tax dollars (bankrupt government). Not to mention those little side benefits which include, but aren't limited to:
Taking over rich oil reserves ($9 billion in Iraqi oil revenue already "missing", 40% of the total);
Giving huge, wasteful, no-bid contracts to Halliburton (profiteering);
Striking fear into Americans (so we give up our rights and blindly follow our "leaders")
AND Striking fear into the middle east (to advance apocalyptic pro-Israeli agenda);
Distracting us from what's really going on...Genius I say!
The tax cuts too! Like the $300 or so dollars everyone got was actually going to make
any difference in our lives. But add it up, multiply it by millions of Americans, and it sure did help to increase the deficit AND buy votes in the process. Genius! And doesn't giving amnesty to illegal aliens also make sense from this perspective? Makes it easier for them to compete with American workers, drive down wages and working conditions
and gets the Hispanic vote. Going to Mars? Another way to spend millions of dollars real fast, with no discernable benefit here on earth, all the while pumping up Bush's cowboy image. I could go on and on, obviously. But it all makes perfect sense to me.