As a man is, so he sees...~Wm. Blake

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Last Wave

"What are dreams?" asks lawyer David Burton of his client Chris Lee, an Australian Aborigine on trial for manslaughter.
"I will show you a dream," Lee responds
as he takes the lamp hanging down over the table,
and turns it to cast half of his face in shadow...
"A dream is a shadow...of something real."

From The Last Wave directed by Peter Weir, 1977

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Economic Takeover

Alot of people are highly concerned about this administration's fiscal irresponsibility, including a number of Republicans.

Just wanted to share my thoughts on why Bush and Co. are spending us into such a deep hole. I think it's for the same reason they're so overwhelmingly pro-free trade. That is: to purposely bankrupt our government and Americans except, of course, those in the top 1% income bracket.

Taking over our country through military action isn't an option; however, regarding economic (not to mention moral) bankruptcy:
(1) What better way to enslave the population (so we must work for pennies instead of dollars) and force us into feudal servitude to the big corporations?
(2) What better way to get rid of government interference in Big Business?
No money means no education, no social programs, no environmental regulation, no labor oversight, no ability to regulate monopolies. Duh! They're not trying to improve our government, small business or standard of living. They're trying to do the opposite, to further their own radical corporate agenda: an economic instead of military takeover.

The Iraq war was genius! Spend billions and billions of tax dollars (bankrupt government). Not to mention those little side benefits which include, but aren't limited to:
Taking over rich oil reserves ($9 billion in Iraqi oil revenue already "missing", 40% of the total);
Giving huge, wasteful, no-bid contracts to Halliburton (profiteering);
Striking fear into Americans (so we give up our rights and blindly follow our "leaders") AND
Striking fear into the middle east (to advance apocalyptic pro-Israeli agenda);
Distracting us from what's really going on...Genius I say!

The tax cuts too! Like the $300 or so dollars everyone got was actually going to make any difference in our lives. But add it up, multiply it by millions of Americans, and it sure did help to increase the deficit AND buy votes in the process. Genius! And doesn't giving amnesty to illegal aliens also make sense from this perspective? Makes it easier for them to compete with American workers, drive down wages and working conditions and gets the Hispanic vote. Going to Mars? Another way to spend millions of dollars real fast, with no discernable benefit here on earth, all the while pumping up Bush's cowboy image. I could go on and on, obviously. But it all makes perfect sense to me.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Lesser of 2 Evils

I'm not crazy about the Democratic party either. They're the other side of the same coin (as the Republicans) I think. You ask why the Democrats are so ineffectual? Probably 1/3 have the same NWO agenda as the current administration, 1/3 are scared into submission and the rest are just spinning their wheels. I actually suspect the Democratic party nominated Kerry for the purpose of throwing the election to the "powers that be". An extremely rich east coast Yalie (even belonged to Skull & Bones), married to an extremely rich German heiress, who never bothered to put forth an alternative platform or inspire his party AND conceded defeat immediately. Some choice. Coincidence? Accident? Maybe not.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Animal Holocaust

It's estimated that, worldwide, about 45 BILLION animals are killed every year for food (25 billion of them here in the U.S). Even though millions of people live perfectly healthy vegetarian lives. People who don't believe that animals have souls, experience fear and feel pain are blind. People that are "pro-life" and eat meat are narrow-minded hypocrites. There's a real good reason that Adam and Eve didn't eat meat in the Garden of Eden. Our karma, as human beings, is screwed.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Madonna Sucks

She really bugs me. It's bad enough that she's a selfish, materialistic, shallow, pretentious, no-talent fame whore. But, even worse, she's pushing a completely twisted and perverted version of the Kabbalah. Or should I say kabbalah-lite for dummies with a seriously new age warp. Sad.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


My beautiful granddaughter Athena. I love you Teeny Weeny!!!!

An Iraqi grandfather holding his granddaughter.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Why the Hate?

I think it's pretty obvious why so many people hate Americans. And it's got nothing to do with hating "freedom." Just the sight or sound of Bush is enough to traumatize my psyche, so everytime he spews the painfully obvious propoganda that people who don't like us "hate freedom" it makes me want to commit suicide.

Anyway, this is just a short list of reasons off the top of my head. Although I think most of these things are clearly evident to even the casual observer, I'll back it up with supporting cites, data and links, as time allows:
We're extremely high maintenance (in terms of resource use)
We're greedy
We're fat
We're spoiled
We're bullies (the alpha male of countries)
We're violent
We're decadent
We're myopic

I know alot of individual Americans aren't like this at all, but I also know that alot ARE. There's no doubt in my mind that the above list describes how we're viewed by the rest of the world and for good reason. Just look at who we've "democratically elected" to a second term.